A Work in Progress

A Work in Progress - Oink4PIGTALES Blogs for Parents and Teachers
I'm so excited to finally have the look I've needed for a long time! I am a WORK in PROGRESS in the world of BLOGGING! I have a passion to share my journey with each of you as I continue to learn and grow. I have always told my students that they learn the most by making mistakes. It is TRUE! Anything that has come easy to me, teaches me nothing. However, things I try and try to do, fail, try again, fail, and continue to try, TEACH ME THE MOST! I am human, I get frustrated, cry, and feel like a failure when these times occur. What sets me apart is the WILLINGNESS to FACE MY FEARS and FAILURES, LEARN from THEM, and most of all, NEVER EVER GIVE UP on my DREAMS!

My Blog's Purpose:

I hope you will find my blog useful, humorous, and that you are able to gain ideas from my posts. I will share with you tips I've found helpful in my teaching practice, resources of mine and ways in which they can be used, resources from other sellers that I love and have used, and ways to help make your job easier.

Resource Bundles:

Kids love animals, and teachers do too! This growing bundle in my shop has been really popular, and the feedback makes me OINK! This bundle is at 71 pages now, and packed full with resources to integrate SCIENCE into your ELA block. You get labeling diagrams of 13 animals (more to come), concept sorts, clip tasks, posters, animal classifications, and more. Be sure and check it out by clicking on the link below.This is set ONE and set TWO of the BUNDLE. Each can be purchased separately, but SAVE YOUR MONEY, BUY the BUNDLE that is getting ready to have a THIRD SET added within the week!


For now, may you be blessed with an OINKTASTIC long and relaxing weekend!