Multipurpose Your Resources:
Let's use one page of my INFERENCE TASKS SET as an example.
Use them for Centers:
You can do these things orally, or you can copy this set on colored card stock so you have various centers for just this one product. Make one for finding Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Antonyms and Synonyms, etc.Grammar Skills:
For lower ELA classes, you can use your different products to have students search for capital letters, end marks, count the number of times a sight words is used, etc.Parts of Speech and Vocabulary:
So now lets take question 19 and use it to see what skills we can add this set to make our money go even further.- I can change the word type to kind. (synonyms)
- I is found in this task 4 times and is a PRONOUN.
- Ask is a VERB, the opposite of ask is TELL, this is an example of ANTONYMS.
- End is an ANTONYM for BEGIN.
Finally, we can even work on fluency skills with repeated readings and sightword work. Students can identify all of the following words with "I spy": I, am, a, you, with, what, of, and can. By using just this ONE TASK card, I could copy this and have students in upper grades complete just one task card with multiple skills.
I found by doing this, I was able to use resources in more than one way, keep ALL my students listening and cover more skills! HUGE time and money save to make one resource work multiple ways!
I hope this has given you some ideas of different ways to use ALL those resources you already have.
If you've not tried my Making Inferences Digital Reading Activities, you can check it out by clicking on the image below.
Have an OINKTASTIC day!

Game Time:
When I taught 3rd grade, I would use task sets and turn them into a "Mystery Game". I would take this set, lay all the cards out, faced down, and all week, students could WIN A TURN to go answer a question. I would be teaching and ask a question out loud, call on a student, and if they got that answer correct, they would win a turn at our "Mystery Game". Then, they would go to table, choose ANY card, turn it over read it out loud, and answer it. If they got the answer correct, the card was turned over. Some weeks we would play BLACK OUT where ALL CARDS had to be turned over and the last student to answer that card correctly would win a prize. I gave Beanie Babies, extra recess time, a lunch date with me, etc. Other weeks, I'd have "OINK", you just found the Mystery Cards. Answer the question correctly and you win.,.. I'd use a sticky note and attach it to the question. I had lots of ways to play, and the kids even came up with more ways to play.I found by doing this, I was able to use resources in more than one way, keep ALL my students listening and cover more skills! HUGE time and money save to make one resource work multiple ways!
I know I have made many typos on my TpT resources, no matter how many times I check them. My third grade students were the best proofreaders ever! (Miss that part of 3rd grade!) When they would find mistakes on my products, or products I had purchased, we would just take an ink pen, and they would fix it. It showed them that EVERYBODY makes mistakes. They were so proud of themselves for being an editor!I hope this has given you some ideas of different ways to use ALL those resources you already have.
If you've not tried my Making Inferences Digital Reading Activities, you can check it out by clicking on the image below.
Have an OINKTASTIC day!