Make Planning Easy with this Language Arts Bundle

Planning for our day can be so tiring, but this grab and go year long bundle is going to make things so much easier. Check it out for the details.

Planning for our day can be so tiring, but this grab and go year long bundle is going to make my life so much better in the future. I love having everything ready to roll, and it's made the hard work preparing it pay off in the long run!

What's Included?

This bundle is for all my favorite read alouds. It includes about 2000 pages of materials for 29 different titles (from 50-90 pages per book). The materials address the following:

• Small and Whole Group Lessons
• Skills Teaching Posters
• Phonics
• Writing
• Craftivities
• Five Days of Print and Go Lesson Plans for MOST Close Reads
• Skills Concept Sorts for Science, Phonics, and English

You can click the image below to see all of the details.

Planning for our day can be so tiring, but this grab and go year long bundle is going to make things so much easier. Check it out for the details.

What are Read Alouds?

Read Alouds only require the teacher having the books to build foundational skills, vocabulary, writing, and build comprehensions. My Read Alouds include differentiated lessons plans for K-3rd grade and include everything you need! This includes teaching posters, concept sorts, phonics elements, and activities.

Here's what teachers are saying:

Planning for our day can be so tiring, but this grab and go year long bundle is going to make things so much easier. Check it out for the details. Feedback means so much to me, and I take the comments very seriously. I feel like they give teachers more information than I may say in my description.
  • "Thank you for this comprehensive set of stories, lessons, and activities! Last year, I read a variety of books to the kids, and did activities to go along with them. This will help me a WHOLE lot this year!!"
  • "What an awesome source of incredible ideas. I love the way each close read can be used in a variety of ways, making it easier to differentiate. I will be able to use the literature with the whole group but vary the activities depending on ability levels. Reading through this bundle I can see a variety of activities which will spark creativity and interest. Thank you so much for your time saving product."
  • "A product to use for years to come!"
  • "Excellent Resource! Great stories, activities, and lesson plans! Thank you for offering this resource at such and affordable price! I highly recommend this Bundle! This truly is not your typical close reads. You have gone above and beyond on creating such detailed lessons and activities. I love the differentiation, concept sorts, and the way you have tied in other subjects in your close reads."

How to Save $$:

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