Back to School Guide for Preschool Teachers

Teachers and students alike may find back to school exciting, but it can also be nerve-wracking. Even the most seasoned teacher feels a mixture of excitement, dread, and anticipation as the school year this 2022 begins. 

After 28 years, I've decided that I don't need to dread back-to-school season because it's never been as bad as I imagined.

What can you do to make your students (and yourself!) feel at ease on the first day of school?


This is a time for new beginnings, meeting new people, and embracing changes. So now, I've decided to focus on the aspects of back to school that I adore the most, as well as share the things I do every year to prepare my classroom.

These are not arranged in any particular order. I prioritize what needs to be done to make my room look ready, followed by what needs to be done to make me feel ready. Every year, my priorities shift based on how much or little work I need to do when putting my room back together or freshening it up.

1. Back to School Shopping! 

I love buying new school supplies, clothes, creating new Piggy classroom decor, and finding new ideas and activities for the first day of school! My husband thinks that after 28 years, I’d have everything I could possibly ever use, need, or want!

Aside from purchasing the basics, you can choose to add additional supplies such as wet wipes or play dough. You can even change your list each year to meet your current needs.

2. Do some Mental Preparation

I've given a lot of thought to how the upcoming school year might possibly look like. Since we've all had some experience with virtual learning, social distancing, and teaching with masks, I don't think it'll be as difficult as last year.

This is why it’s essential to prepare ourselves physically and mentally. In my case, I've decided to prepare for some form of social distancing, have virtual day resources ready, and stock up on cleaning supplies. I do believe that working smart on the front end does pay off in the long run.

3. Back to School Arts and Crafts

Ready for some downtime at the end of the first day? Get creative with arts and craft time! This is one of my favorite activities for the first day of school. Parents will also thank you as it makes a fun keepsake too.

It allows the kids to wind down and still be productive. Making these back to school crafts with your kids is a fun way to celebrate the start of the new school year, and focusing on the fun aspect of returning to school can also help calm those anxious thoughts.

4. Discuss Classroom Expectations

Being able to set goals is an important skill for children even at a young age to practice all year long. Make an activity with them to share their own personal goals this school year.  

It’s a great starting point for a discussion about classroom expectations whether your students are in a physical classroom or virtual setting.

5. Write down your To Do List

If you are anything like me, this is something I don't miss at the start of the school year! If I don’t, I tend to forget what I need to do and end up having what I call, “Squirrel Moments”!

By writing my plans for the day/ week it allows me to easily see what I need to do and stay on track and focus. In addition, having a list improves my productivity and keeps me prepared and ahead at work and home.

Overall, it makes me feel better about myself. I will admit it… I love being able to cross things off my to-do list!


When I write things down, it makes me feel better about the things I've accomplished on a daily/weekly basis based on my priorities and weekly goals. I try to keep my to-do list as realistic as possible. I've discovered that if I make too many plans, I end up feeling defeated rather than successful!

I thought I'd share a FREEBIE to help each of you cross off your to-dos! I use these to-do list forms for my TpT store, classroom, and personal goals. I've discovered that writing down my goals has reduced my stress levels at work and in my personal life. I hope you enjoy and find this month's FREEBIE as useful as I do! 🐷

If you'd like more information on educational resources and the life of a teacher, make sure to subscribe to my EMAIL LIST. Click here to know more and receive great tips and tricks plus updates on NEW and EXCITING learning resources by signing up. 

I hope you’re as prepared and excited for the new school year as I am. May you have an Oinktastic back to school ahead!