Telling Time Activities for Kids

These PRINTABLE and DIGITAL Telling Time to the minute, 5 minute, hour, and half hour task cards give students practice telling time to the hour and half-hour, telling time to the nearest five-minute, ten-minutes, and minute intervals. Students will master telling time with analog clocks in math centers so they can be ready to move on to elapsed time. Check out the preview to see all you get with this packet!

Easel Activities are Digital Ready Activities for Teachers to:

  • customize select PDF resources
  • choose the number of tasks to assign at a time
  • assign using Google Classroom
  • remove or reorder pages
  • use as already prepared
  • create moveable and interactive activities

Telling Time Packet Includes:

  • Task Card Covers for each of the Four Sets (4 per page)
  • Answer Keys for each of the Four Sets (4 per page)
  • Student Answer Sheets (2 per page)
  • SET ONE Telling Time to the Hour (12 Task Cards)
  • SET TWO Telling Time to the Half Hour (16 Task Cards)
  • SET THREE Telling Time to the Nearest Five Minutes (20 Task Cards
  • SET FOUR Telling Time to the Nearest Ten Minutes (48 Task Cards)

Grab your copy HERE!