Fun, Engaging, and Interactive Preschool Memory Books are NO PREP activities for children to make that will showcase all they have learned in preschool or Pre-K. Students can complete a page at a time or several pages at once throughout the school year or even at the end of the preschool PreK year for keepsake gifts for parents! These End of Year Preschool and PreK tracing and writing activities are perfect to keep students engaged in fun and meaningful activities while you are finishing up testing, packing up your classroom, and giving a keepsake gift your students and parents will treasure forever!
Preschool and PreK DIFFERENTIATED Memory Book Includes:
- PreK Covers (12 choices)
- All About My Teacher (Three Choices)
- My Favorite Books
- I Can Color A Picture
- I Can Paint A Picture
- I Can Cut and Glue
- My Friends Can Write Their Names
- Glue or Draw Photos of This Year Fun
- All About Me
- All About Recess Trace and Write Pages
- My Favorite Field Trip (Two Choices)
- My Hands
- My Feet
- I can Trace Numbers to 10
- I Can Write Numbers
- I Can Trace My ABCs
- I Can Write Letters
- I Can Write My Name and Draw A Picture of Me
- All About My 100th Day of School
- I’d Give Myself an Award for…
- Months Year of the Scrapbook Pages (12 Pages)
- Fire Safety Trace and Write Pages
- Preschool Awards
- Favorite Party Pages
CLICK HERE TO GRAB MY 1ST GRADE MEMORY BOOK!Other Resources you may find useful can be found by clicking on the links below.
PreK Transportation Trace and Write the Room
Transportation Math and Science Activities
ABC Alphabet Activities PreK Centers and Activities Packet
Ocean Animals Digital Boom Cards
Day and Night Science ActivitiesCLICK here to FOLLOW me and SAVE 50% off my products the FIRST 24 HOURS POSTED!