5 Techniques to Encourage Positive Behavior for Kids

Whether you’re a homeschool mom or a teacher of young kids, one thing is for certain: you need a positive behavior management system that works.
Due to the pandemic, a different new way of life continues, and so do the behavior patterns of young ones whether at home or in a classroom setting. 

During the quarantine period, you may have noticed changes in your child's behavior. Students should be taught how to deal with their behavior by their parents and even teachers as educators.

Read along if you want to help your child grow in their ability to manage and maintain positive behaviors no matter how young they are.


There are instances when children misbehave because they have not yet developed the ability to verbally communicate their feelings. Acting out is their way of telling you, “I’m feeling something on the inside and I need support.”

Utilize your time with your child to assist them in growing and developing these social emotional skills.

Let's look at some behavior management strategies that you can use to optimize student behavior and keep learning and teaching on track.

1. Be Consistent with Rules

In general, rules help control a child’s behavior and set the tone for effective learning and to guide their actions. 

When rules focus on what not to do and emphasize punishment, however, they do the exact opposite of providing a safe environment for children to learn and grow.

That's why establishing positive classroom rules can help with behavior management, managing expectations, and fostering mutual respect between educators and students.

2. Utilize Positive Language

Negative language has the effect of reinforcing unhealthy behaviors. Typically, children enjoy doing what they are not supposed to do. Instead of saying, "Stop fooling around," you could say, "Can we all please focus and pay attention."

Positive language makes children feel respected, which leads to improved behavior and motivates them to begin speaking positively. Instead of saying, "This task is too hard for me," they will say, "I can try my best."

It's also crucial to maintain a positive body language. Smiling more and frowning less models the behavior you want your students to emulate.

3. Have Quality Lessons

Make your class activities as exciting and stimulating as possible to discourage bad behavior.

Structure your activities to keep your students engaged and involved throughout the lesson. Make every effort to allow your students to discover knowledge through hands-on activities.

You can draw the attention of younger students by incorporating games or interesting resources to teach them about good behaviors and traits such as the following.

Good behavior choices must be taught and practiced at school and at home so that students understand what behaviors are expected and what behaviors are unexpected!

Teachers, school counselors, and parents can use these behavior choice tasks to teach kids about good and bad behavior choices and to develop character education.

This behavior choices activity uses Boom Card tasks for students to practice and learn about good and bad behaviors.

Behavioral choice activities help preschool and kindergarten students learn how behavior choices teach them playground safety, classroom rules, and create a positive classroom environment.

Using this Read Aloud by Maria Rousaki, students will be able to identify the problem and solution through fun and engaging reading activities.

Reading Unique Monique, this will help your students explore and learn about character traits, friendships, and being themselves whether in whole group or small group reading instruction.

Mean Jean The Recess Queen by Alexis O’Neill will help your students about bullying, friendships, and recess behaviors! 

In this heartwarming fictional read aloud, you will enlighten your students as they learn about a recess bully (Mean Jean) as she learns how to show kindness and make friends at recess.

4. Develop a Relationship With Your Students

Knowing your students is the most effective instrument an educator can have. Take the time to get to know them and their interests. You will find it easier to engage students if you can plan a lesson around their needs and desires.

Knowing your students will also assist you in identifying some behavioral triggers. For example, if a student suddenly starts yelling and interrupting you in class, they may probably be dealing with something deep like personal issues at home or being bullied at school.

If you know something about the child, you might be able to figure out what's wrong. Instead of punishing the student for their bad behavior, talk to them or point them in the direction of help.

5. Use Positive Reinforcement Strategies

Use positive reinforcement strategies that encourage good behavior like sharing or following directions and you can use it to prevent misbehavior, like hitting and rule violations. 

Kids who receive positive reinforcement for their good work are motivated to keep working hard. There are many free or low-cost reward options you can use such as giving a high five, clapping, or offering a special activity.

Reward programs,sticker charts, and token economy systems can go a long way toward discouraging bad behavior. Here are examples of visual reminders and play money for rewarding good behavior in different themes depending on your classroom setting. You can see the list of our resources here.


Positive Discipline in the classroom is also an effective way to deal with misbehaving students. It enables students to learn behaviors that will enable them to make better choices and be successful as they mature into adulthood.

Positive discipline allows you to get to the root of the problem, which will help them learn to recognize and name their emotions and find new ways to manage them. 

Frankly speaking, it will be difficult at first. Without a doubt!

We need to think that we are also educators who teach life skills aside from the usual academic subjects. This will not only prepare your student to use these skills for the rest of their lives, but it will also help to bring more calm into their home.

Here’s one last tip- If you feel like you've made a mistake with teaching, I empower you to start over.

We're all human beings with rough days. Just be patient and you will notice an improvement in behavior if you maximize these techniques for the majority of your teaching experience.

I hope you find these positive behavior techniques useful! They've all been tested and proven in the classroom, assisting hundreds of children in making positive choices.

May you have an Oinktastic week, folks!