Free Bat Literacy & Science Activities

Literacy and Science activities are everywhere, you can find them online and in bookstores, but nothing can beat this Bat Literacy and Science Interactive Activities. It's FREE, provides young learners an avenue to learn more about bats, and improves their understanding of simple research and writing.

What makes it even better is that it's packed with activities perfect for 1st graders to 3rd graders that require no preparation. An effortless addition to your fun kids' educational experience!
Get your students excited about learning with these FREE All About Bats graphic organizers and informative writing templates! Perfect for kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade, these NO PREP printable writing activities will help your students learn about bat facts, compare and contrast bats and birds, and explore the life cycle of bats.
Looking for NO PREP writing and graphic organizers on BATS for your kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade? These FREE All About Bats graphic organizers, informative writing templates, and bat life cycle poster are perfect for beginning writers to do simple research and writing.

EVERYTHING you need for your bat units is included in this sample freebie!

You will be able to guide your students during whole and small group writing centers using these bat NO PREP printable writing activities. They will learn to several bat facts, how to use a graphic organizer to compare and contrast bats and birds, and the life cycle of bats.

Grab the All About Bats FREE Literacy and Science Activities HERE!