Oh, how easy it would be if kids already were familiar with recognizing patterns and understanding the order or sequence of things.
If you're a preschool teacher or homeschool parent, then you definitely need to read this blog today if you want to introduce your students to the topic of SEQUENCING.
Although sequencing is essential to daily living, it gradually becomes taken for granted.
I can't emphasize enough how crucial it is for young children to learn foundation skills on which they can later build other skills in the future.
If you want to know why you should use the 3-Step Sequencing method in your classroom, keep reading.
Sequencing is the ability to logically order events, images, thoughts, and actions. Why is sequencing important for children? Sequencing is a very important concept for all students! It is important to start with preschool age children to help them understand and recognize all the different patterns in their daily routine that make the world more understandable and predictable. It will be far more difficult to master the more complicated sequencing skills that require students to use critical thinking without first developing the basics of these simple sequencing skills. Let look at 5 benefits of teaching 3-step sequencing to our students.
Children need to understand and make connections with the fact they are do things in a certain order every day. We need to make sure we use oral and visual clues to help children understand time order words. Take time to point out what needs to be done first, next, and last. For example, eat your breakfast, next brush your teeth, and finally put on your clothes. They need to be able to make logical sense of the events in their lives by understanding their regular pattern or usual order. Point out that it wouldn't make sense for them to brush their teeth first and then go eat breakfast. You can use these small moments to help students build conceptual and reasoning abilities. Learning to sequence also builds verbal understanding and helps them develop skills for writing and math. When students understand everything they do follow a sequential order, it will help them understand and development their sequencing skills.
By recognizing and teaching the daily patterns of sequencing in life you are helping your child learn to be more independent. Sequencing makes it easier for kids to follow simple instructions for daily tasks like tying shoes, brushing teeth, and other things we usually do in our everyday lives. It helps them make sense of the world around them and be able to mimic the order things as they remember it. Slowly, thus becomes a habit that is one step towards independence.
Young learners who are engaged in sequencing activities might start to repeat stories as they discuss the beginning, middle, and end. I like to always read stories aloud once through first. Then I like to take time and reread only the first part of the story. My students love talking about who the characters are, where they are at, and what problem they may have. Then we move on to the middle of the story. They discuss what's happening, has anything changed from the beginning. Finally, we discuss the ending of the story. I point out the story has 3 parts to it. The beginning, middle, and end. Unless they understand the learn about the characters and their problems the ending will make no sense. Always take time to discuss the stories you read in class by asking your students to describe briefly the beginning, the middle, and the end of the story.
When talking to your student about daily activities, using time order words like first, second, third, next, the, before, after, and finally can help them develop their comprehension. You can use and teach your child these words in everyday conversations. There are numerous opportunities to practice sequencing and vocabulary words in our daily activities given children the practice and confidence they need to master this skill.
It helps children maintain order as they progress toward independence by having them put on their socks before their shoes, make a sandwich and eat it, and other daily activities. Additionally, reading a book, comprehension, and writing all require a strong understanding of sequencing. To help your child or student lay a strong foundation for learning independently, start them young and provide multiple ways and opportunities for them to practice.
It's a good idea to use a variety of technique and strategies to help kids understand how crucial sequencing is for a variety of tasks, including writing, routines, and storytelling. Using visual aids, like 3-step sequence cards is a great way for young children to understand this concept. If your students need to start with only two sequential order steps begin giving them oral directions using the time order words first and finally. Then move on to using three-step time order words with first, next, and finally to help your students develop and strengthen their sequencing skills before they begin sequencing stories.
By using oral and visualizes clue to teach sequencing it will help your students and kids grasp this concept in an easy to process way. Mixing the cards and ask your students to place the card that comes first, next, and last and arrange arrange them in sequential order will help develop their confidence and help them with problem-solving skills. With younger children, you can even sing familiar songs, like nursery rhymes and clap hands in rhythm while pausing sometimes to let the child complete the word or clap. I always like to use the song "Bingo" to help my students. They love the tune, clapping, and can easily pickup and fill in the words.
Sequencing storytelling can also be encouraged through puppet shows and other dramatic play activities. Don't be afraid to provide multiple ways to give students to practice sequencing. When we teach sequencing in fun and entertaining ways it gets our children interested and excited. Try multiple ways to see which interests and connects with your class!
I love teaching sequencing to my students! Creating opportunities for them to see the importance of sequential order is all around us. From morning routines at home and school. to school schedules, and eating lunch all give us practical ways to help our students practice and develop daily routine patterns, and even study the cause and effect of not following sequential order.
I created some sequencing worksheets that are excellent for kindergarten and first grade students. These NO PREP, DIFFERENTIATED, and PRINTABLE worksheets offer you so many ways to use to help your students practice this essential pre-reading skill. These worksheets give children activities they are already familiar with like; Building a Snowman, Going to the Dentist, Making a Sandwich, Carving a Pumpkin, and MORE! These worksheets provide quick, simple, and easy to use activities that help with sequencing, building fine motor skills, tracing, and writing!
You will love these no prep printable sequencing worksheets! With three levels of differentiation these are great for small groups, whole group teaching, morning work, and even your writing centers. Whether you're classroom teacher, homeschooling parents, grandmother, or tutor you and your students will love this how easy this 3-step picture cards and differentiated sequencing worksheets are to use!
Hope you look forward to my next blog and I hope this sequencing resource will add more creative, fun, and engaging ways to help provide even more learning activities for your students to master sequential order.