6 Deliciously Fun Ice Cream-Themed Educational Resources for Young Kids

6 Deliciously Fun Ice Cream-Themed Educational Resources for Young Kids
6 Deliciously Fun Ice Cream-Themed Educational Resources for Young Kids

Who is not a fan of ice cream? 🍦 For younger pupils, adding this tasty treat to class activities can add even more excitement to learning. An Ice Cream Theme Day is the ideal way to combine education and enjoyment, drawing kids in and imparting useful knowledge in a variety of subjects. By using resources with ice cream themes, you may give your students an unforgettable and interesting learning experience.

In this blog, you’ll explore six deliciously fun ice cream-themed educational resources that are perfect for young kids. These activities are designed to be simple, creative, and effective, ensuring that students enjoy every moment of their learning journey. From math and science to literacy and art, each activity is tailored to make education both enjoyable and enriching.

Incorporate these ice cream-themed resources in the classroom to engage young students for some scoops of fun and sprinkles of joy. Let's get into these engaging activities that will have your students excited about learning and eager to participate in every classroom moment.

Read along this blog to infuse their learning experience with some frozen fun. Hang tight, educators. You're in for a cool and delightful experience.


Having an ice cream theme day in the classroom can be entertaining and instructive for younger pupils. By introducing ice cream-themed activities, you can maintain a lively and engaging environment while including kids in a range of subjects. These imaginative and instructive materials will help your Ice Cream Theme Day become a huge success!

Incorporating ice cream-themed math, science, and art activities can make learning fun and memorable. These activities are not only an exciting way to make a delicious treat, but they also reinforce important educational concepts in an engaging and memorable manner. 

1. Ice Cream Math Activities

You can make learning math fun by transforming your classroom into an ice cream heaven with a little imagination. These enjoyable and easy exercises with an ice cream theme will provide your pupils with practice with addition, subtraction, counting, and sorting.

To begin counting and sorting, start with colorful paper scoops or plastic ice cream cones. Assign your pupils a range of scoops that vary in hue and dimension, and ask them to arrange them according to color, size, or number. 

When you include ice cream toppings in math problems, they become much more interesting! Use sprinkles, cones, and scoops to create basic addition and subtraction problems. For example, assign your pupils to count the number of scoops added to cones or the number of sprinkles removed from a bowl to determine how many are left. 

2. Ice Cream Science Experiments

Use these simple and imaginative exercises to make science come to life in your classroom. In addition to learning important scientific concepts, your kids will love creating and savoring their ice cream.

Understanding the science of freezing points and states of matter can be stimulating when making ice cream in a bag. Because of the rock salt, the ice melts more slowly, absorbing heat from the ice cream mixture and causing it to freeze. This practical experiment shows how changing the freezing point of water can impact other states of substances.

Another option is to conduct a melting experiment. Sort the many varieties of ice cream and arrange them in individual bowls. Students should be asked to guess which one would melt the fastest and why. After that, observe and contrast how rapidly they all melt. 

3. Ice Cream-Themed Literacy Activities

Nothing makes a classroom celebration of ice cream quite as much fun as this! It not only makes students happy, but it also opens up a world of creative and educational activities. These are a few excellent ideas to make your Ice Cream Theme Day entertaining and educational.

Give your pupils writing prompts that center around ice cream to help them let their imaginations run wild. Ask them to create a poem or narrative about an imaginary ice cream adventure, or about their favorite flavor of ice cream. They can talk about the ice cream's flavor, texture, and even the magical places they get to visit.

This practice makes learning enjoyable and efficient by combining the joy of ice cream with essential color recognition abilities.

These ice cream color readers are perfect for building fine motor skills, learning to read and trace colors, holding and reading books, understanding print and illustrations, and providing tracing practice. They make an outstanding addition to any ice cream party day, ensuring that your students are not only having fun but also learning important skills.

4. Ice Cream Art and Crafts

Nothing sparks more enthusiasm and creativity in the classroom than an ice cream-themed day! You can make an ordinary day into an entertaining Ice Cream Party Day with a few basic materials and a lot of creativity. These two enjoyable exercises will catch your student's attention and motivate them:

Ice Cream Cone Craft

Prepare to see your pupils' creative sides come to life with this entertaining ice cream cone project! You will need colored paper, markers, glue, and cotton balls.

Step 1: Provide colored paper for each student to use as the background for their ice cream cone.

 Step 2: Cut out circles from different colored paper to portray ice cream scoops and triangles from brown paper to represent the cone.

Step 3: Ask the children to stick the cone to the background paper using glue, then stack and glue their chosen scoops of ice cream on top of the cone.

Step 4: Add a fluffy whipped cream topping with cotton balls and decorate with chocolate chips, sprinkles, or other colorful accents with markers.

Flavor Wheel

You can also make a flavor wheel, which is a great way to incorporate art and some decision-making. Allowing your children to exhibit their favorite ice cream flavors is a wonderful way to get them thinking about what they like and how they may express themselves artistically.

Step 1: Give each pupil a round piece of paper divided into sections, like a pie chart.

Step 2: Ask them to list their top ice cream flavors, then designate each one to a different area of the wheel.

Step 3: Using markers, crayons, or colored pencils, have them illustrate or color each piece to represent the flavors they have selected.

Step 4: After done, the flavor wheels can be shown to the class so that everyone can see and talk about the range of flavors that they all like.

5. Ice Cream-Themed Games

Are you searching for creative and fun games to play with your students this summer? These two entertaining exercises will transform your classroom into an ice cream shop while promoting teamwork and emphasizing important concepts.

Ice Cream Scoop Relay

Plan a relay race with ice cream scoops that your pupils will love. This game is ideal for getting some exercise and training balance and coordination because it mixes friendly competition with physical activity.

How to Play:

1. Materials Needed: Plastic spoons (or cones) and small balls (scoops of ice cream).

2. Divide the class into teams and assign a spoon and a ball to each team.

3. Students must balance the ball on the spoon and race to a designated finish line without dropping it. If they let the ball drop, they have to start over at the beginning.

4. Whoever completes the relay with all of their members first wins!

Ice Cream Bingo

Ice Cream Bingo is a delightful take on the traditional bingo game! This game is ideal for practicing vocabulary, listening comprehension, and focus while having fun with an ice cream theme.

How to Play:

1. Supplies: Bingo cards featuring images of several types of ice cream, toppings, and related objects (cones, sprinkles, cherries, etc.), and chips or markers to cover the squares.

2. Give each kid a set of markers along with the bingo cards.

3. Students will mark the matching squares on their cards when you call out the names of the objects or display photos of them.

4. The first student to get five in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) shouts “Bingo!” and wins a small prize.

6. Ice Cream Social Skills Activities

Imagine bringing that delicious joy into your classroom with engaging exercises that impart important lessons about compassion and sharing to others. Here are two adorable ice cream-themed activities to encourage happiness and learning among your students:

Ice Cream Scoop Relay

Teams will be formed to carry an "ice cream scoop"—a ball or stuffed animal—from one end of the room to the other while passing it gently and not dropping it. The class will be divided into teams for this relay race. Highlight the value of sharing and taking shifts since every team member helps the relay to be successfully completed. 

Compliment Sundae

Give a paper cutout of an ice cream scoop to every student. Encourage them to use their scoop to write a kind message or compliment for a classmate. Once they're done, gather the scoops and use them to make a big paper sundae that you can display on a classroom wall or bulletin board. 


Are you prepared to learn some interesting trivia about the most popular frozen dessert in the world? After learning these fascinating ice cream-related facts, you're all set to enjoy your next scoop with a side of knowledge!

Here are some fun facts about ice cream that will get kids excited about this tasty dessert:

1. Did you know that ice cream dates back to ancient times? People in China enjoyed a frozen treat made from milk and rice around 200 BC!

2. Thomas Jefferson, one of America's Founding Fathers, loved ice cream so much that he even had his own special recipe for vanilla ice cream.

3. Vanilla isn't just plain—it's the most popular ice cream flavor in the world! Many people love its simple yet delicious taste.

4. The tallest ice cream cone ever made stood over 10 feet tall! That's as tall as a giraffe!

5. Ever had a brain freeze from eating ice cream too fast? It happens when something cold touches the roof of your mouth, causing blood vessels to tighten quickly.

6. The Guinness World Record for the largest ice cream scoop weighed over 3,000 pounds! That's heavier than an elephant!

To wrap up your ice cream-themed activities, why not have an Ice Cream Party Day? This can be a fantastic reward for all the hard work your students have put into their crafts and activities. You can serve real ice cream with a variety of toppings, allowing the kids to create their own delicious masterpieces. As usual, take note of any dietary restrictions like allergies and come up with alternatives.

With these ideas, your Ice Cream Day will be a memorable and educational celebration that your students will love. They’ll have fun, learn new things, and enjoy the sweet rewards of their hard work! You have it in you as the teacher to make learning sweet and enjoyable with these ice cream-themed activities that engage young minds and build essential skills!

Wishing you an OINKTASTIC time, and I suggest you scoop up these ideas and add some sweet excitement to your classroom. Enjoy this blog, and look forward to the next one! 🐷

Looking for fun-themed resources in the classroom? Here are some suggested blogs you can read:

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